Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lost my voice

I've lost my voice, it's gone since last night due to a nasty cold. Headache, sore throat and no voice, fun fun. I just hope the kids won't get sick. They've both have had coughs and runny noses for a week, but hopefully it won't get worse.
On Friday I'm having some girls over for cosmos and Sex and the I better feel better or if nothing else the alcohol will kill the bacteria in my throat!

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The Binfield's

The Binfield's
Gary, Hayden, Annika & Emmie

About Me

Gary Annika Hayden (almost 5 years) Emmie (10 months) Svea (dog) Elaine (cat)


Welcome to the Binfield blog. Please check in with us to see
what we are up to. We will try to write and add pictures as often as possible,
so all our friends and family scattered around the world can follow us.
Annika, Gary, Hayden & Emmie